Fairy Tale


Pik and Pika

Pik and Pika

A young goose couple was brought to us in April 2017 from a very traumatic environment. In their original home, Pik and Pika had just started laying eggs.


Piti is one of the few fortunate "mini pigs" who has lived an appropriate pig life since birth. He has never been and will never be separated from his family.


Pram is one of our smaller ponies, born on the farm in 2003.


Roki (born in 2010) came to us at the age of just 3 months. He came from a place where his mother was constantly tied up and beaten, and her pups were locked in a cage near her.

Sara and Sita

Sara and Sita (both born in 2014) were originally destined for a terrible fate: one for meat and the other for exploitation in the dairy industry.

Simba and Pumba

Pumba has a slightly whiter nose than Simba and is a bit more plump. Simba and Pumba were abandoned by the side of the road when they were about a month old in the fall of 2018.


Snoopy appeared one cold morning in September 2021, just a few months old, lying in front of our door.

Tara and Jane

Jane is the fluffier of the two sisters. She arrived with her sister Tara, hidden in a crate on a hay truck for our animals.

Tiki in Maja

Maja and Tiki are like sisters. They came to Pravljica with the first herd.